About RRC

The Reinsurance Research Council
Le Conseil de Recherche en Réassurance

An organization representing the majority of professional property/casualty reinsurers registered in Canada. RRC conducts research into all lines of property/casualty reinsurance, presenting the view of members where appropriate and providing liaison with governments, the primary insurance market and other interested parties.

Support & carry out all manner of research and studies relating to the reinsurance industry in all its branches, other than life, and generally to promote all lawful interests of the members of the Council.

Represent the members of the Council on a national basis in the preparation of briefs, resolutions and recommendations and in the submissions of the same to governmental bodies and others

Maintain & promote and assist in maintaining high standards of service and ethical business practices in the reinsurance industry.

Connect, develop and maintain cordial relations among the members of the Council, with kindred associations and organizations and with the public.